Hey all! Last time I posted I informed everyone of my wonderful news of getting myself a fiance! Things have been well but crazy ever since, hence my writing lacking for a bit. However, with Halloween coming up this week, and all of those crazy parties to go to, I decided to post the idea I came up with for me and my betrothed.
The idea: A robber and his money.
The execution: OK, so a robber is easy enough. He just wore black baggy jeans, a black shirt and hat, and put black face makeup around his eyes (his "make-shift mask"). Then he added a few small knives he had, tucked safely away in his pockets, and a plastic gun. CAUTION TO ALL LADIES: YOUR MAN WILL GET TRIGGER HAPPY! SO BE PREPARED FOR HIM TO BREAK OUT IN A "YE-HAW" TYPE OF MOOD.
My part was a little trickier, how in the hell am I going to dress up as money, without looking like this:
Or even like this:
So with a little help from my friend Julia...or a lot of help as my sewing is horrible... this is what I did:
First I bought these...
Party City-Green tutu skirt ($19.99), four packs of play money ($0.25/pack), gold money chain ($5.00)
And then I needed a shirt to go with my money, and for some reason couldn't find a kelly green one to save my life so I picked up these...
Target-Green pumpkin sacks (never knew these existed) for $1.00 each, sewing kit with 6 colors and three needles for $2.89.
Then I went to work. I took the green tutu and started to sew the fake money on the top layer...which I later discovered there were layers because I had the tutu inside out...but it worked for the better when it came to putting the money on it. My sewing skills are to the extent of stitching so it wasn't the greatest job but worked. After the first layer was finished, I decided I needed more money on the skirt but didn't have much time left (being the procrastinator I am) so I stapled more money underneath around the second layer. The plus side was the fake money was more of a white/gray instead of green so the staples blended in. :)
In the meantime, my amazing friend started working on my shirt. I wish I had taken a picture of each piece, but the sacks kind of looked like this only all green and had two more straps on each side.
There is a whole at the top so she cut the seam at the bottom and I wiggled my head in through the top of the bag. She cut holes for my arms and then I took it off so she could sew the other bag to the bottom of it, making a whole shirt. otherwise it would have just covered my chest and it's too cold for that!
After the skirt and shirt were finished I tried them on. My friend let me borrow a pair of her black leggings and I had a pair of cute black booties to finish it off. We got costume-making happy and she grabbed two of the straps she had cut off and stitched them together to make a garter belt, which I later stapled more money to for kicks. I completed the look with my gold $ sign chain and put my hair in a pony tail with two bills sticking out of it. Here is my finished look (ignore the zip-up, I was colder than I thought I would be :) )

And there you have it! I made money happen, not in the hottest or cleanest-cut way but hey, I thought it was cute. I wish I had a picture of it with my shoes but our photographer wasn't back far enough.
Next week should be even more fun, my friend who helped me with this was inspired to be a "sexy palm tree" and I'm kind of intrigued to see what we come up with for our friend's "After-Halloween" Party next week!
What are your ideas?
Till next time!
KNG :)
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