It's been 5 days since 2014 sprung up on me. In a way, I'm glad that it did. Every year has its good parts and bad parts but this year, both sides were so strong I'm ready for a year of a little less crazy.
I like happy endings, so I'll start with the not-so-great. Not only did 2013 mark the 10 year anniversary of my sister's death, but I lost an amazing person around the same date. May is now the worst month ever. My great-aunt was an amazing woman. She and my Nana were practically attached at the hip as sisters go. They both showed me what strong, independent women really look like. I've been told in the past I will most likely be like my Nana, as wonderful as she is, when I get older, but I hope to be like both of them. The worst part of it all, I was in the middle of finals and graduating that I couldn't go to her funeral in Canada. I was crushed that I couldn't be there, but I'm glad that at least my mom could go. My cousins will always have a permanent residence in my heart, and I know they will be ok through it all.
On top of that, I found out the government screwed up with my tax returns for not just last year, but the past TWO years, and I had to pay for it. My paychecks from May until July pretty much went to them, and needless to say my savings went down the tube. I hope they're happy because they'll be getting more money from me for my school loans starting this month. Yay...
With the bad, comes the good though. I graduated from college and made an A in a class where the only grade was based on a 30+ page paper. I found out about my aunt the night before it was due...needless to say I wasn't expecting an A at all. Even though I haven't found a job to go with my degree yet, and will probably have to go back to school to get certified in something, I finished college. I got my Bachelor's degree in 4 years and I'm glad to be done. I made it and did what my parents never got to do.
In addition to graduation, my lovely boyfriend who has been with me through many arguments, fights, dramatic scenes, laughs, and all other life events, decided he wanted to marry me. On August 23 he proposed in the cheesiest way, but I cried like a baby and wouldn't have asked for it in a better way. One day I may write about how he proposed, but for now I still like to keep it to myself just to smile when I need to.
My fiance's sister also brought another addition into her family, and I am being called "Aunt Kayla." I never thought that would happen after losing my sister when I was 11, but the feeling is great. Plus it keeps the topic of babies in the distant future between my love and I...which is perfectly fine by me, not quite ready for that yet.
Speaking of babies, my oldest first cousin and his wife turned my Nana into a first-time Great-Grandmother and everyone is ecstatic for them :) I haven't met her yet, and may not for a while since we all live so far apart, but I wish them luck and a great life for all of them.
Entering 2014, my fiance is in the process of getting us a house so we can start our lives together. We'll start planning our wedding after we get settled into a place of our own.
What I hope for this year is more craziness, but less of the bad kind. I'm ready to start my life with the love of my life and take more chances, explore new things...have new adventures. It's a scary yet exciting feeling at the same time.
Happy New Year to everyone! I hope 2014 brings joy and insanity to the best way :)
Till next time
KNG :)
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