Friday, January 17, 2014

"B"efore South Carolina

Memories. They bring up all sorts of emotions. Scrapbooks are good ways of keeping memories together and make them tangible...which is why I decided to make one for my fiance.  Don't worry, he knows about it because I can't surprise him to save my life; that and his sense of creativity will make it not suck when I'm done.

Anyway...I started looking at a scrapbook from a long time ago for some ideas. It was a scrapbook given to me as a present from some old friends after I moved to South Carolina from New York. I came from a small town, and when I opened it tonight a whole slew of flashbacks came galloping through.

I was ending 8th grade and about to start high school when I moved here. I hated leaving my friends because we were so close.  I have only awesome memories from those days.  I miss four-wheeling and dancing and playing volleyball with my best friends. I didn't do any of that after I moved here; I danced for a little while but stopped halfway through high school. I wanted to try to start a new life here, but now that I look back and think about where I am now, I probably would have done some things differently.

To be honest, I mostly shed my past because my mom didn't really want me to live a country-kind-of-life; she thought I was going to be a journalist and travel the world.  I was scared to death when I had to tell her that wasn't going to cut it for me, and that my passion was with a much less profitable career: teaching. She took it really well, I think she always knew actually but didn't try to support it before I told her it was what I wanted to do.

Now, I'm not a teacher but I did graduate with a Bachelor's degree and have a full time job. I found the love of my life and can't wait till we start making wedding plans. But I can't help but miss the way things used to be before we moved here, the fun I used to have.  This place was all new to me and I tried to just make the best of it, when really I ended up just being "there" in it. It makes me sad because I'm the one to blame for that.

I think I'm going to make a change...the change is TBD. I don't know what it is, but I can't be lazy and let things happen anymore, I have to make them happen.  I mean that's how life starts isn't it? Life is made, it doesn't just happen...there is no immaculate conception.

While I spend the rest of my night pondering what it is I'm going to do, here's a little piece of my past (link to video)

KNG :)

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